Shoden 1st Degree Original Usui Reiki - Western & Eastern Philiosophies

Shoden 1st Degree Original Usui Reiki - Western & Eastern Philiosophies

Regular price £150.00 Sale


Attunements & Reiju Empowerment including my book Reiki's Highest Potential

Available as one to one in person or distance learning. I'm no longer doing full courses, instead this is now two hours and includes three Attunements and one Reiju Empowerment.  You will be given a copy of my book Reiki's Highest Potential which covers all the elements of the Reiki courses, and be shown how to conduct self-treatments. You will be prepared for the 21 day reiki cleanse and on-going support is available during this period. A certificate will be issued at the end of the course.