Tales of a Reiki Master No.3 - Just for today... do not procrastinate

Just for today… do not procrastinate (Part 3)

I’ve finally completed my 21 day Reiki cleanse yesterday! Even though I had to restart the whole 21 days after the first week. This, I think, has been the hardest 21 day Reiki cleanse I have ever completed and as a Reiki Master with over 10 years’ experience, that’s quite a statement to make. It’s so strange to me that I was procrastinating over self-healing, when giving myself Reiki is something that I normally enjoy. I must be honest, the Reiki treatments I was giving myself for the first week were only short, and not as long as I would normally do, but at least I tried. I asked the universe to guide me and help with my motivation to continue with the Reiki cleanse, because you know, procrastinating over healing is an actual thing…

So you’re aware, I suffer from a condition called temporomandibular disorder and, I also think trigeminal neuralgia, both of which cause extreme headaches. There’s not much that can be done for these conditions other than facial massages and exercises. Muscle relaxants do not agree with me so I can’t take them and painkillers do not work when it’s bad.  

So as I said, I was having problems motivating myself to carry on with the Reiki cleanse, asked the universe to help and then the universe decided half way through the Reiki cleanse that I was due the headaches again. I spent the rest of my Reiki cleanse with my hands constantly on my face and head and Reiki was flowing! I ended up doing Reiki on myself at least 5 times a day just to cope with the pain. The universe really does have a dark sense of humour at times. But hey, if you ask the universe for help or guidance, it answers, though not normally as you would like it to…

However, it’s not just the headaches that I experienced with this Reiki cleanse. During the last week, my mood dropped so low and I started crying, a lot. I felt as if all the little issues/problems I have were suddenly mountains that were impossible to climb. I felt restricted and unable to move forward, though I was still giving myself a lot of Reiki due to the headaches etc.

I am well aware that this is quite common when cleansing and releasing hidden trauma and dis-ease. To be able to release the negativity we hold inside, we must deal with it. We have to acknowledge the dis-ease, the trauma and negativity and the reasons why we’re angry, fearful, worried, or holding onto ego and pride. We have to let these things go so the negative spaces inside us can be filled with love, healing and the need to move forward and overcome issues.

It is very common for us as humans when dealing with old traumas or dis-ease, to bury it deep inside ourselves, suppressing it, hoping that it will magically disappear. But it doesn’t. The deeper we bury our dis-ease, the more damage it does in the long term. It can make us physically sick, it can cause mental health issues, and it basically poisons our personal energy. It needs to be released.

Reiki cleansing can be brutal but it results in letting go of the stuff that is holding us back, the stuff that no longer serves us well. Crying is healing and I needed that. I also needed to ask for help and though it took a few days, I did, no longer allowing pride and ego to hold me back. 

I have found though, that I’m definitely a little more pro-active, and not re-active, and that makes a difference. I’m also very aware of the fact that the cleansing will take time and I may not see the full benefits of this Reiki cleanse for a good few months. I’m going to try to enjoy this journey to get over my procrastination issues, face it and face the stuff I need to do. I’m doing this for myself. I owe myself good things.

I should say, self-healing is something that we all really need to invest in, and it’s never a one off situation. As we go through our daily lives, no matter how well things are going, our energy can become stagnant or blocked or attacked by negativity and clearing it is required constantly. Sometimes the cleansing is relaxing and uplifting, and sometimes it feels raw and painful. I’m so glad I have the ability to give myself Reiki whenever I require it. That I have the Five Principles of Reiki to guide me. I’m very glad that I found Reiki.

Love Sarina x

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